{"id":92622,"date":"2023-03-24T11:59:40","date_gmt":"2023-03-24T10:59:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.KGM Strategy.com\/?p=92622"},"modified":"2024-09-16T10:53:54","modified_gmt":"2024-09-16T08:53:54","slug":"sustainable-packaging-whitepaper-2020","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.KGM Strategy.com\/en\/insights\/sustainable-packaging-whitepaper-2020\/","title":{"rendered":"Sustainable Packaging: Relevance, Challenges and Opportunities"},"content":{"rendered":"

Everyone wants them, but everyone understands them differently: The criteria that packaging must meet to be considered sustainable are not precisely defined. Many different aspects play a role and do not necessarily go hand in hand: Sustainable is, for example, the use of renewable raw materials, good recyclability of the material, resource conservation in general or the reduction of the CO2 footprint.<\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div>

Laws and guidelines for more sustainable packaging have been developed on the part of polistics and continue to be part of ongoing and future decision-making processes. For retail and the industry, however, it is a great challenge to orient themselves and to pursue a futureproof, strategic roadmap<\/strong> for the implementation of measures. Meanwhile, the demands on material properties are constantly increasing: For example, the Packaging Act has set recycling quotas that can only be achieved through better recyclable packaging. At the European level, the Green Deal has set the targets for sustainable packaging. Levies such as the “plastic tax,” whose assessment basis is the amount of non-recycled plastic waste, are about to be implemented.<\/p>\n

At the same time, there is increasing pressure from consumers and retailers to drive innovation and offer more sustainable packaging solutions. Packaging manufacturers, consumer goods producers and<\/div>

retailers assume that the demand for sustainable packaging will grow
\nstrongly in the coming years and will be a decisive competitive factor in the future.\"\"<\/p>\n

It is interesting to note that companies perceive a discrepancy between what consumers regard as sustainable and what science and politics define as such.<\/strong> They are therefore facing major challenges in developing and implementing sustainable packaging solutions, as they try to meet both the sustainability expected by consumers and the sustainability defined by science and politics.<\/p>\n

Let’s dive into how to develop a strategy for sustainable packaging.<\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/p>\n



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Many relevant consumer goods manufacturers and retailers act only because of the moral pressure exerted by consumers. A credible and sustainable strategy to implement the topic authentically is often missing.<\/blockquote>\n

Paul Mohr, Managing Director<\/p>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n


Recommendations for Action<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n

Implementing sustainable packaging solutions regularly poses new challenges for businesses. As demand for sustainable packaging will grow significantly over the next few years, companies will continue to find it complex and challenging. Social developments, such as the rising number of single member households and the trend for convenience as well as the boom in e-commerce, not least because of the Covid-19 pandemic, all put an even greater focus on the subject of packaging and packaging waste. Therefore, it is all the more important for all companies to analyze what potential there is for them in terms of sustainability and sustainable packaging and what solutions are worthwhile for their own business. Sustainability does not necessarily need to result in additional costs if the issue is looked at in full and for the long term, and if strategic procurement is involved in the procurement of resources at an early stage.<\/p><\/div><\/div>


Creating Transparency and Calculating Maturity Level<\/strong><\/p><\/div><\/div>


A holistic appraisal and analysis forms this basis: how is a company currently positioned in terms of sustainability – also in comparison to the competition – and what are its aims?<\/p>\n

To calculate the maturity level<\/strong>, it is essential to define a list of criteria that reflect every aspect of sustainability as comprehensively as possible. It is crucial to define the criteria in a quantifiable way.<\/p><\/div>

With the aid of this list, a company should eventually be able to create transparency across four dimensions<\/strong>: governance & strategy, packaging materials, cost excellence and operational excellence.<\/p>\n

In each of these areas, a comparison needs to be made between the company\u2019s sustainability status quo – where you are at the moment – with the goal being aimed for \u2013 and where you want to be – so that the gaps can be identified.<\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div>\n

KGM Strategy Model for Assessing Packaging Sustainability<\/span><\/p>\n


1 <\/strong><\/span>Governance & Strategy<\/strong><\/h3><\/div><\/div>

Is sustainability incorporated in the business strategy, and to what extent? Defining a company\u2019s individual target vision<\/strong> is essential for developing a clear strategy and guiding principles that can always be adhered to.<\/p>\n

Governance covers all the issues that a business needs to address for achieving its sustainability goals and the measures linked with them. This includes, among other things, setting a timescale for when you would like to reach your sustainable packaging goals. Setting a budget for implementing your sustainability strategy also comes under governance.<\/div>

Other aspects that need to be considered may include whether a code of conduct exists for suppliers that support the company\u2019s sustainability strategy. Similarly, there could be an incentive scheme for employees who help the implementation of sustainable packaging to progress.<\/p>\n

As a basic rule<\/strong>, the defined sustainability strategy needs to consider interests and influences both internally across all departments and externally from customers, trading partners, legislation etc.<\/p><\/div><\/div>


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