Results of the Procurement Transformation Study 2022

How do companies currently manage to achieve both short-term crisis management and long-term value enhancement? Which topics are prioritized throughout the company and specifically in procurement? How do companies reconcile resilience, sustainability and value enhancement?

These are the issues addressed by this year’s Procurement Transformation Study. Over 115 participants answered our questions in the spring of this year. You can find the results below.

Download the full results presentation for free

Download the complete study results of KGM Strategy’s Procurement Transformation Study 2022 and recommended actions now:

  • War and pandemic have led to a significant shift in company-wide priorities, making the role of procurement even more important
  • Supply security and risk are currently the biggest challenges for companies, ranking ahead of traditional procurement value levers
  • While resilience & value creation take priority for 2022, respondents agree the future role of procurement should be “Sustainability champion” and “Expert mitigator of supply risks”
  • In terms of sustainability: Procurement accepts the mandate to implement sustainability in supply chains. Achieving transparency across the supply chain is key. Additionally further clarity is needed around measures for success

To receive the KGM Strategy Procurement Transformation Study 2022, please fill out the form:

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